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Bashar Maaiah
Omar Abedalla Alananzeh
Abdallah al-shorman
Mohammad Al-Badarneh


Augmented reality, Tourism experience, Marketing, Technology mediation, Perception


The use of mobile phones has undoubtedly paved the way for the utilization of technological intermediation in the tourism sector. This article presents a study of the proposed relationship that can occur between augmented reality (AR) as a technological tool and mobile phones which can in turn increase the touristic attraction. To achieve the aims of the study, qualitative interviews with consumers and producers who are interested in AR applications where done. Snowball sampling was used to collect responses. The results have shown that the use of AR leads to an augmented construction of an actual reality that is multidimensional and is composed of the owner, site, and touristic agency. Consequently, technological tools take on a secondary role since it becomes integrated in the production and consumption process, and becomes an integral part of numerous experiences, procedures, competition processes and touristic product consumption. Furthermore, the integration of modern technology in the touristic experience will undoubtedly enhance that experience and makes it more enjoyable in addition to improving expertise and skills in the touristic operation and attraction process.

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