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Tourism, destination image, Kavos, Corfu
This study explored 141 British tourists’ perception of Kavos’ Corfu as a destination. It measured the components of Kavos’ destination image. Data was collected with an aided self –completion questionnaire and data analysis included descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages and means), reliability, and factor and cluster analysis. 18 destination components were rated on a 5-point Likert scale and continuously factor analyzed, producing 4 factors and accounting for 80.7% of the total variance. Segmentation based on factors produced 3 segments with N=32; 50 and 59 British tourists respectively and with Final Cluster Centers ranging from 3.03 to 4.60. This research has contributed to the theoretical gap of the tourism industry literature regarding destination image formation in the Mediterranean and specifically Greece. These results can be used as a basis for destination improvement and strategy formation.